Silicone products for electrical engineering & electronics

Above all, the very high electrical insulating properties of some silicones predestine them as auxiliary materials or raw materials for the production of components for electrical engineering and electronics.

But also temperature stability, good material compatibility and extremely low toxicity often make silicones the first choice.

L. Böwing GmbH offers processing aids such as cable lubricants as well as shock absorbing and temperature stable potting materials or temperature transfer media for this field.

Please select a product from the following list and send us an inquiry.
If none of the products come close to your requirements, simply send us your freely formulated inquiry.
We will gladly put our wealth of experience to work for you and research or develop your “problem solver”!


Art-No. Product Name Category Description Application
4177 LOBOTHERM ÖL BT 5 Silicone oil
4203 LOBOTHERM Öl BT 2 Silicone oil
4130 LOBOTHERM Öl BT 10 Silicone oil
4274 LOBOTHERM ÖL B 50 Silicone oil
4273 LOBOTHERM ÖL B 20 Silicone oil
4275 LOBOTHERM ÖL B 100 Silicone oil
4176 LOBOTHERM BAP 500 Stab. Silicone oil
4174 LOBOTHERM BAP 500 Silicone antifoam, Silicone oil
4175 LOBOTHERM BAP 200 Stab. Silicone oil
4170 LOBOTHERM BAP 200 Silicone oil
1001 Lobosil Spray Silicone spray, technical spray
4009 ELBESIL ÖL B 350 Silicone oil
4011 ELBESIL ÖL B 1000 Silicone oil
4007 ELBESIL ÖL B 100 Silicone oil
3064 ELBESIL BT 1013 Silicone paste
1349 ELBESIL BM, 100g Tube Silicone paste
1009 ELBESIL BM Spray Silicone spray, technical spray
3061 ELBESIL BM Silicone paste
3060 ELBESIL BL Silicone paste
3062 ELBESIL BH Silicone paste
3081 ELBESIL 1178-2 Silicone paste
3090 ELBESIL 1122 SVHC-frei Silicone paste